Do's and Don't To Ace Your Next Job Interview

Prior To Your Interview

  • It is essential for you to do research on the company and the specific interviewers, if possible. Learn as much as you can and integrate this knowledge into your interview to show you've done your homework on the company.
  • Review possible interview questions and prepare your responses. With a quick search, you can find typical job interview questions online. Come up with specific details you would like to highlight about yourself and include in each answer. You may want to write these down, this will help you remember them when the time comes.
  • Do role-play if possible with a family member or friend and ask for feedback on your presentation.
  • It's always smart to take a practice run to the interview location. This way you can avoid getting lost and being late the day of.
  • Do ask what a company's dress code is and dress the part.
  • It is essential to turn off your cell phone during the interview and don't turn it back on until the interview is completed.
  • Always plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early to the interview. If you unexpectedly are running late, make sure to contact the interviewer to let them know your expected arrival time.
  • Upon arrival, be alert and courteous at all times. You never know who you may interact with as you head to the interview.

During The Interview

  • Here is where you can make a great first impression. Be sure to politely greet everyone you interact with.
  • Complete all entries to the best of your ability on the job application and any other necessary paperwork.
  • Always bring extra copies of your resume and provide a copy to each individual interviewing you.
  • Use formal titles such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., and last name.
  • Do shake hands with anyone who offers their hand. And remember that body language often speaks louder than words. Maintain good posture, be alert and look interested at all times. Make good eye contact with the interview.
  • Do demonstrate enthusiasm for the company and job with a high level of energy and confidence.
  • Don't be uncomfortable selling yourself. Make certain that your accomplishments come across to the interviewer(s) in a way that sincerely speaks directly to their company's needs. Show how you can benefit their company. Don't expect your application or resume to do the sales job for you, and don't offer any negative information about yourself.
  • Do take advantage of your time with the interviewer to evaluate them and their company as a potential employer and your mutual "fit". Don't overlook an opportunity to ask questions as you may appear as though you are not interested.
  • Do answer questions completely. Offer examples and provide explanations, showcase your talents, skills, and accomplishments.
  • Do be ready for unexpected questions. To give yourself time to think, repeat the question or ask the interviewer to repeat it. A brief 1-2 second pause is OK.
  • Be prepared for a question about your salary requirements.
  • Do close the interview by expressing your interest in the job. Ask what the next steps are, and when the company will make a hiring decision.
  • It's always smart to ask for business cards from each person you interviewed with. This way you can easily follow up with them.

Afer The Interview

  • Always write thank you letters within 24 hours of the interview and send them to each person who interviewed you. In this letter, you can thank them for your time and highlight why you feel you are a good fit for the position based on your conversation.
  • It's good practice to alert your references, if you haven't already, that they may receive a call from your prospective employer.
  • Continue to follow-up, especially if requested by interviewer(s). Follow-ups should be spaced out appropriately as you don't want to come across as desperate or bothersome.
  • Do be patient. You must respect the company's timeline. In this waiting period, it's smart to continue job searching - even if you're confident you'll get the job. Continue to seek out other opportunities and interview. Not only does this provide great interview practice but if you are offered another job, you can leverage this offer in your negotiations for other jobs you are offered and may prefer.

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