Fund Your Education Through Federal Pell Grant

Federal Pell Grant

Education has become increasingly less affordable. Many students rely on loans, scholarships and federal funding to pay for school. One of the top solutions of funding for students in need is a Federal Pell Grant. These grants are offered by the US Department of Education and are based on need. It is typically provided to low income students. This type of grant does not need to be paid back. These grants help students receive the financial assistance they need in order to attend a university and earn a degree. It provides students the ability to better themselves academically and sets them up for a successful future. It basically takes care of all the necessities a student needs.

Federal Pell Grants can cover:

  • Tuition Fees
  • Living expenses 
  • Supplies
  • Transportation 

How to Be Eligible

In order to be considered for a Federal Pell Grant, students must complete and submit a FAFSA form: FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Financial Aid. It’s a form to prove you are in need of financial assistance. The FAFSA form requires individuals to have a social security number and be enrolled in an eligible program. To see a full list of FAFSA requirements visit: The FAFSA submission along with the students expected family contribution [] will determine the grant amount awarded to each individual. Each applicant may receive a different amount of financial aid. It’s dependent on how much of a need a person has.

Receiving The Award

Once all documents are submitted, they will be reviewed by the colleges the student has been accepted to. The schools will then send students a breakdown of financial aid offers and grants awarded to them. This is where the student will find out if they are eligible for the Federal Pell Grant and the specific amount awarded to them. These funds are transferable if the student decides to switch schools. Federal Pell Grants are a great way to help students receive an education and not let their financial status hold them back from a successful future.

If you are someone who wants to pursue an education, but does not have the finances to do so, apply for a Federal Pell Grant. This grant really looks to help students and families who have a need. Education can help you gain the knowledge and experience to assist you in landing a job or pave your own future. Make sure to fill out the FAFSA form before the deadline. The application opens October 1st and closes June 30th. In order to have the best chances of receiving the most financial aid try to apply sooner rather than later.

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